Tampa (The Perfect City For Me)

Link on Baluja’s YouTube page:

And, the link through James Marvell’s YouTube page:

Back in June of 2012, I had the privilege of hooking up with a legendary musician from Tampa by the name of James Marvell. James was a member of the 60’s group, Mercy, whose 1969 hit, Love Can Make You Happy (written by Jack Sigler Jr.) soared to #2 on Billboard’s Top 10 charts, alongside hits by Elvis, Sinatra, and the Beatles. The serendipitous story behind how we met, the reunion with his dad that followed, and the recording that evolved from our meeting is rather lengthy, but one worth telling. Here it is.

While working a part-time job at the Home Depot in West Tampa, I noticed a man anxiously pacing through the front aisle of the store. I asked him what the matter was, and he said that he was looking for his elderly father, who had strayed while shopping. As I helped him look for his dad, we struck up a conversation, and we soon discovered that we had a mutual passion for music. It didn’t take long to realize just who I was speaking to, and more importantly, who his dad was. I had known his dad personally, since childhood. His name was Salvador Zayas, and for many years, he was one of the most well known barbers in Tampa. He used to cut my hair in the early to mid 60’s, back when I still needed a booster seat to sit in his barber’s chair. I began to reminisce. I remembered my father taking me to his shop on Armenia Avenue regularly. I remembered the pinball machines…one with race horses and another with a pool table, that I would play while waiting for my haircut…and the little bodega next door, where I would go to grab a cold Coke. I remembered that Sal and my dad bore a striking resemblance to each other…and that they both had very similar personalities. I also remembered Sal occasionally talking about his son, James…a musician who was off traveling with a rock and roll band…a band that, at the time, was on the verge of national prominence. I remember boasting to all my friends, “Yeah, Salvador’s son is in Mercy…Sal is my barber…I know him well.” All these fond memories were evoked by this brief chance meeting, and I was having fun reliving them with Sal’s son, James. After so many years of hearing about him, we had finally met. And after so many years since seeing his dad, we were about to reconnect.

When we finally found Sal, I was pleasantly surprised at how sharp his memory still was. He vividly remembered both me and my father. It was such a thrill seeing him again, and oddly enough, two days before Father’s Day. Once again, the resemblance between him and my father was incredible. It was almost like seeing my dad as he might have looked if he were still alive. But that was only part of what made the meeting so special…the best was yet to come.

While James and I continued chatting, he acknowledged that he had heard and admired some of the locally themed songs I had produced, and he told me about an idea he had for a song he had written about Tampa. He wanted to record it and dedicate it to his parents, in celebration of Sal’s 100th birthday, which was around the corner. And, he wanted Sal to have a part in the recording. So when he suggested I help him produce it, naturally, I embraced the challenge with eagerness and enthusiasm. It turned out to be one of the most rewarding efforts in my lifetime. Not only did my family and I, including my 87 year old mother, have an opportunity to spend a good deal of quality time bonding with Sal and James, but we were able to preserve the magic of those moments with a wonderful recording, commemorating our hometown. The whole experience was a blessing: James and I became friends; Sal and I were reunited for the first time in over 40 years; and Tampa (The Perfect City For Me) was born.

The recording and production process went smoothly. Using an acoustic version that James had prerecorded as an outline, I set out to develop a more elaborate musical bed for the song. Afterwards, James came in to lay down the vocals. Ultimately, he brought Sal by to do some back up vocals. And then, when the song was completed and mastered, we put together a combination of still and moving images to create a video. We posted it on YouTube, where it has enjoyed a moderate degree of success. The song actually received a vote of confidence from Mayor Bob Buckhorn at a City Hall ceremony celebrating Sal’s 100th Birthday. But for the past 3 years since its release, neither James nor I have really promoted it as much as it deserved to be promoted. And now that Sal is approaching 103, I think it’s long overdue that it gets a little push from both of us. I’m hoping some of you who remember Sal, or who are as much in love with Tampa as we are, will take the opportunity to view, listen, and comment on the video, and maybe share a memory you have of him, or of the city. So please, sit back, and enjoy the warm vocals and professional songwriting skills of James Marvell, as he delivers this wonderful tribute to the City of Tampa, dedicated to his parents, Salvador and Emily Zayas.

Pertinent Links

James Marvell Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/james.marvell.12?ref=ts&fref=ts

James Marvell YouTube:

Baluja Facebook Page:

Baluja YouTube:

Baluja Website: http://www.baluja.net








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